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    1. 일차 진료의를 위한 골절 헌터
    2. 80,000원 72,000 10% ↓
    1. 브뤼거 기본원리와 기능질환: 진단,치료,자가치료
    2. 40,000원 38,000 5% ↓
    1. 통증 고수로 가는 길 -신경 하이드로 다이섹션
    2. 190,000원 171,000 10% ↓
    1. Fascia근막 그끝없는여정 2판
    2. 80,000원 76,000 5% ↓
    1. Artificial Intelligence for Bone Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment
    2. 264,000원 238,000 10% ↓
    1. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Foot and Ankle 4/e
    2. 378,000원 341,000 10% ↓
    1. 근골격계 촉진법 3판 (통증 유발점, 연관통, 스트레칭으로 알아보는)
    2. 65,000원 61,750 5% ↓
    1. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update®: Foot and Ankle 7 Print + Ebook
    2. 284,000원 256,000 10% ↓
    1. Campbell's Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition
    2. 326,700원 294,100 10% ↓
    1. Atlas of Amputations and Limb Deficiencies Surgical, Prosthetic, and Rehabilitation Principles 5/e
    2. 527,000원 475,000 10% ↓
    1. Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Percutaneous Approach
    2. 257,000원 232,000 10% ↓
    1. 척추학 4판
    2. 270,000원 256,500 5% ↓
    1. The Musculoskeletal Practitioner’s Handbook, 1st Edition: An Essential Guide for Clinical Practice
    2. 71,600원 64,500 10% ↓
    1. Foundations for Success in Orthopaedic Surgery
    2. 129,000원 117,000 10% ↓
    1. 통증진단의 정석(4판)(Physical Diagnosis of Pain - An Atlas of Signs and Symptoms -)
    2. 90,000원 81,000 10% ↓
    1. Manual of Splinting and Casting, 2nd Edition
    2. 113,400원 102,100 10% ↓
    1. Dupuytren's Disease, 1st Edition: A Scientific Review
    2. 202,500원 182,300 10% ↓
    1. 외상의학 2판
    2. 190,000원 180,500 5% ↓
    1. McRae's Orthopaedic Trauma and Emergency Fracture Management, 4th Edition
    2. 95,900원 86,400 10% ↓
    1. Coughlin and Mann’s Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, 2-Volume Set, 10th Edition
    2. 567,000원 510,300 10% ↓