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Emergency Medicine(455)

    1. 응급처치 마스터
    2. 80,000원 72,000 10% ↓
    1. 심인성 쇼크 케이스북 -증례로 알아보는 근거기반 심인성 쇼크 치료의 실제
    2. 30,000원 27,000 10% ↓
    1. 일차 진료의를 위한 골절 헌터
    2. 80,000원 72,000 10% ↓
    1. ECGs for Acute, Critical and Emergency Care, Volume 1, 20th Anniversary, 2nd Edition
    2. 85,000원 77,000 10% ↓
    1. The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine, 5th Edition
    2. 65,000원 59,000 10% ↓
    1. Advanced Paediatric Life Support: A Practical Approach to Emergencies, 7th Edition
    2. 81,000원 73,000 10% ↓
    1. 고압의학
    2. 70,000원 66,500 5% ↓
    1. 최신응급기도관리 6판
    2. 48,000원 45,600 5% ↓
    1. Mechanical Ventilation for Respiratory Failure: Demystifying the Box in the Corner of the Room
    2. 122,000원 110,000 10% ↓
    1. Textbook of Paediatric Emergency Medicine, 4th Edition
    2. 129,600원 116,700 10% ↓
    1. Goldfrank's Clinical Manual of Toxicologic Emergencies, Second Edition
    2. 148,500원 133,700 10% ↓
    1. The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care
    2. 67,500원 67,500
    1. Manual of Splinting and Casting, 2nd Edition
    2. 113,400원 102,100 10% ↓
    1. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 3rd Edition
    2. 241,700원 217,600 10% ↓
    1. 외상의학 2판
    2. 190,000원 180,500 5% ↓
    1. McRae's Orthopaedic Trauma and Emergency Fracture Management, 4th Edition
    2. 95,900원 86,400 10% ↓
    1. Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules, 3rd Edition
    2. 135,000원 121,500 10% ↓
    1. Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 8th Edition
    2. 118,800원 107,000 10% ↓
    1. The Unofficial Guide to Practical Skills, 2nd Edition
    2. 56,700원 51,100 10% ↓
    1. The Unofficial Guide to Medical and Surgical Emergencies, 1st Edition
    2. 47,300원 42,600 10% ↓
    1. Textbook of Critical Care, 8th Edition
    2. 390,140원 351,130 10% ↓