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Sports Medicine(95)

    1. 스포츠의학에서 재생치료(Regenerative Injection in Sports Medicine)
    2. 55,000원 52,500 5% ↓
    1. Atlas of Amputations and Limb Deficiencies Surgical, Prosthetic, and Rehabilitation Principles 5/e
    2. 527,000원 475,000 10% ↓
    1. 외상의학 2판
    2. 190,000원 180,500 5% ↓
    1. Dutton's Orthopaedic: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention 6e
    2. 162,000원 145,800 10% ↓
    1. Surgical Techniques of the Shoulder, Elbow, and Knee in Sports Medicine, 3rd Edition
    2. 378,000원 340,200 10% ↓
    1. 정형물리치료 중재학
    2. 50,000원 47,500 5% ↓
    1. 한눈에 보는 근력운동 해부학(The Student’s Anatomy of Exercise Manual)
    2. 33,000원 31,350 5% ↓
    1. 근육 불균형의 평가와 치료 전략:자세 교정과 통증 치료를 위한 실전 가이드
    2. 42,000원 39,900 5% ↓
    1. 임상운동학 개정 6판
    2. 60,000원 57,000 5% ↓
    1. 스포츠 재활-이론과 실전
    2. 38,000원 36,100 5% ↓
    1. ACSM's Introduction to Exercise Science
    2. 129,590원 116,640 10% ↓
    1. 임상족부학과 족부보조기 [2022 세종도서 우수학술도서 선정]
    2. 70,000원 63,000 10% ↓
    1. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine Surgery, 3/e
    2. 449,540원 404,590 10% ↓
    1. 스포츠의학 5판
    2. 190,000원 180,500 5% ↓
    1. ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist
    2. 116,090원 104,490 10% ↓
    1. Athletic Injuries of the Hip An Issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, 1st Edition
    2. 160,700원 144,700 10% ↓
    1. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 11/e
    2. 71,365원 64,229 10% ↓
    1. Synopsis of Hand Surgery
    2. 130,000원 117,000 10% ↓
    1. Evidence-Based Management of Complex Knee Injuries, 1st Edition
    2. 398,300원 358,500 10% ↓
    1. Complications in Orthopaedics: Sports Medicine, 1st Edition
    2. 326,172원 293,645 10% ↓