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    1. The Musculoskeletal Practitioner’s Handbook, 1st Edition: An Essential Guide for Clinical Practice
    2. 71,600원 64,500 10% ↓
    1. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer Patients, 1st Edition
    2. 185,000원 166,500 10% ↓
    1. 통증진단의 정석(4판)(Physical Diagnosis of Pain - An Atlas of Signs and Symptoms -)
    2. 90,000원 81,000 10% ↓
    1. The Muscular System Manual, 5th Edition: The Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body
    2. 116,100원 104,500 10% ↓
    1. 전문가에게 배우는 근골격계 초음파 (상지/하지 세트)
    2. 140,000원 126,000 10% ↓
    1. 관절과 연부조직 주사 및 흡인치료 4판
    2. 55,000원 52,250 5% ↓
    1. Whittle's Gait Analysis, 6th Edition
    2. 90,500원 81,500 10% ↓
    1. 하룻밤에 끝내는 무릎 통증 진료의 내비게이션 -하룻밤에 끝내는 통증 완치법 시리즈-02
    2. 45,000원 42,750 5% ↓
    1. Spinal Cord Injury, 1st Edition Board Review
    2. 179,600원 161,700 10% ↓
    1. 신경근육초음파 (Neuromuscular Ultrasound)
    2. 90,000원 85,500 5% ↓
    1. Oncology Rehabilitation, 1st Edition A Comprehensive Guidebook for Clinicians
    2. 168,800원 152,000 10% ↓
    1. Surgical Techniques of the Shoulder, Elbow, and Knee in Sports Medicine, 3rd Edition
    2. 378,000원 340,200 10% ↓
    1. 운동손상 증후군의 진단과 치료
    2. 70,000원 66,500 5% ↓
    1. Physiotherapy for the Hip Joint, 1st Edition
    2. 185,000원 166,500 10% ↓
    1. Goodman and Snyder’s Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists, 7th Edition: Screening for Referral
    2. 141,800원 127,700 10% ↓
    1. The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points, Referral Patterns and Stretching, 3rd Edition
    2. 104,000원 93,600 10% ↓
    1. 근막 통증유발점 도수치료
    2. 90,000원 85,500 5% ↓
    1. 신경계 재활 총론-검진에서 중재와 결과까지의 환자 중심 접근
    2. 90,000원 85,500 5% ↓
    1. Atlas of Interventional Orthopedics Procedures, 1st Edition
    2. 226,800원 204,200 10% ↓
    1. 도수의학 [2022 세종도서 우수학술도서 선정]
    2. 190,000원 171,000 10% ↓